How to install

Everymote on a Beaglebone

Everymote tellstick is no running on Beaglebone with Ängström, it will probably work on other linux distribution too.

beaglebone with tellstick


Nodejs version >= 0.6.15
telldus-core version 2.1.1 how to install

Install  everymote-tellstick

npm install everymote-tellstick -g

If it successfully installed you can now start it by running


or cloning the git repo and start it by using

node app.js

Auto start

Her is a example on how you can get everymote-tellstick start automaticly at startup by creating a cron job. Start by create starteverymote.sh


sleep 60
echo "started"
echo "telldusd started"

To register the script as a cron job run

crontab -e

and add the flowing last

@reboot sh /dir/to/starteverymote.sh >/dir/to/log/cronout.log

Reboot and it should register all devices to everymote.  Go to m.everymote.com and control your devices.

Everymote  is still in early development and we suport on, off and dim at the moment.